NHB Advisors, Inc. | Proven Expertise in Corporate Renewal

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Important Announcement:
NHB Advisors, Inc. acquired by GAVIN/SOLMONESE.


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Valuable perspective, effective leadership and the vision to go forward just when you need it the most.

15 Years Oustantding Turnaround Firm as named by Turnarounds and WorkoutsNHB Advisors, Inc. (NHB) provides leadership for under-performing and troubled companies. In addition to the firm's widely recognized turnaround practice, NHB is committed to helping businesses maximize their value for owners, investors, creditors and employees. The quality and professionalism of the firm's work is demonstrated by its frequent selection as one of the outstanding turnaround firms in the country.

With broad experience in manufacturing, distribution, retailing, franchising, sales and marketing, real estate and service industries, NHB specializes in solving the problems of business under-performance and cash flow deficiency. Skilled at both turnaround and growth strategies, as well as the structure and management of orderly liquidations, NHB operates as advisors or hands-on interim managers as determined by the client's needs. NHB also plans and executes transactions on behalf of its clients, such as refinacings, recapitalizations, reorganizations and strategic sales.

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American Bankruptcy Institute Events

Association for Corporate Growth Events Commercial Fianance Association Events International Factoring Association Events Turnaround Management Association Events